Annie Ke Software, equity, new + old stuff Hello I'm Annie!! I like people, technology, and nature (minus mosquitoes).


My name is Annie Ke. I'm Chinese American and a recent graduate of Dartmouth College. My family immigrated from Shanghai to the Bay Area twice, from 2000 to 2003 (thanks dotcom bubble!!) then permanently(?) in 2008. I became a US citizen in the beginning of 2018, beginning my transformation from pragmatically apolitical to aRdEnTLy iNvOLVeD.

At school, clever algorithms (radix sort!) and real analysis made my life simultaneously heaven and hell. Out of school, what I want to learn changes thrice a day, but right now the large buckets are policy, crypto, and economics. I feel strongly about fair allocation of resources and fulfilling basic human need.

All opinions and bad sarcasm are my own.

Conversations make my day, so please reach out!


August 2019 -
Software Engineer @ Coinbase
June 2018 - August 2018
Software Engineering Intern @ Airbnb
January 2018 - March 2018
Software Engineering Intern @ Yelp


2015 - 2019 Dartmouth College
BA, CS and Math